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God Creates All Life

ProLife Story 32

I am a 25 year old married lady with 2 kids. My husband is 30 and we have been married for 5 years plus. We went into some financial steep and have been in bad situation some time now. But i realized that i am about 3 months pregnant now and my husband wants me to abort it. But i just cant get myself to do it.

I read all your stories and cried terribly. i dont want to add on to this kinda murder. But i have no moral support and each day i am bonding with my baby more. But whenever i get into heated arguements and fights with my husband over this issue, I sometimes really feel like walking out of the house straight for an abortion as i cant take it.

I am nowadays feeling very stressed and am always praying that i can keep this child. Please pray for me to all of you who are reading this message. And if things go well then probably i should have delivered this baby on Dec 18 2004. Otherwise, i will just have to write back with Guilt feeling!!!!


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